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Stop romanticizing the pathetic

With the years passing by, I found some harsh truths about love: ♤ Intense feelings do not equal love. ♤ Yes, you can be easily forgotten. It might feel sudden, but for the other one, this was already prepared for quite some time. ♤ Sudden end of a relationship is like experiencing a death. ♤ Narcissists are a threat and they are more common than expected. ♤ Rip the band-aid at the first red flag. Your intuition is never wrong. ♤ I found 3 markers of a toxic relationship: love cycles, with each leaving you worse than the previous one; obsession and make belief - denying reality; no evolution for you, as an individual, inside the relationship - fear takes over. ♤ The amount of effort and thought you put into it is not reciprocated, therefore the imbalance in intensity. ♤ You see the signs. They only get worse. ♤ You are allowed to be blind once. Afterwards, control your mind and redirect the energy towards you. ♤ They do not care. Don't ask yourself any question. Move...
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Octombrie nu e o luna deosebita pentru mine. Nu are nici o semnificatie. E o luna ca oricare alta, azi fiind o zi ca oricare alta si o ora ca oricare alta. Dar sunt fericita si linistita. Ma gandesc la faptul ca si tu, cel care citesti, imi dai dreptate cand spun ca nu e nimic mai frumos decat sa fii linistit si sa te simti implinit. Sa stii ca toate functioneaza bine. Asta pentru ca stii cum e sa fie si rau. Si acum cand cineva te intreaba: "Ce faci?" nu mai sari repede cu raspunsul plictisit de: "Bine." Nu faci doar bine. Faci ceea ce iti doresti. Traiesti, pictezi, razi impreuna cu oamenii dragi, vezi un film pe care ti l-ai dorit sa il vezi de mult, muncesti pana tarziu pentru a realiza ceea ce iti doresti, pentru a nu trece o zi fara sa realizezi ceva. Poate in momentul asta ai parte de prima intalnire, sau, de ce nu, de ultima. Poate te indragostesti, poate incerci sa uiti, poate esti fericit alaturi de persoana potrivita, sau fericit singur. Dar nu fa...

Magnifique David Suchet as detective Hercule Poirot

“Ah, but life is like that! It does not permit you to arrange and order it as you will. It will not permit you to escape emotion, to live by the intellect and by reason! You cannot say, 'I will feel so much and no more.' Life, Mr. Welman, whatever else it is, is not reasonable. [Hercule Poirot]”            We all know there is one Belgian detective that we admire and appreciate, brought to life by one great actor - David Suchet. Why did I choose to write about him? It is because I honestly believe it to be the only television series that makes me want to watch it over and over again, that never loses its charm and elegance. Spending time watching Poirot exercising his little grey cells is something ideal whenever I get some free time.           Oh, how I love to see this little Belgian man in David Suchet. Such a funny, brilliant man he brings to life: tidy, orderly, a man that enjoys symmetry and being alone.  Th...

About friendship and warming yesterday's soup

No second day food tastes as well or looks as appealing as the fresh one we had the day before, but if we are really hungry, it can be an excellent option! It's in our nature to renew ourselves everyday, even if we don't acknowledge that change. It is true that we get accustomed to some people, and when we lose them, it's hard to "take up where we left off" afterwards.   That is why it's important for when a friendship takes a hit, to fix the damage immediately! We are always waiting for someone else to come fight our battles, mend what's been broken and say the hardest of words. Just not us. Let them do it first! We have friends with various personalities, ambitions, lifestyles and still manage to find a common link between us - they accept us for who we are! And we ain't easy to deal with! As long as we keep that in mind, we will do the same for them. I accept you because you accept me, the relationship benefits us both. I like to think that ...

Love on a Sunday night

It's another Sunday night, so I get my tea ready, I put on my cozy outfit and just stare at my laptop, watching a random series of episodes of Jane Austen's novels. Everything is calm, quiet and relaxing, but my mind starts working just like a broken disc, repeating, all of a sudden, over and over and over again, that line that I hate saying too often, at a wrong time, to a wrong person, or to the right one, but too late. And then I associate it with you. With your smile, and your rolling eyes, and that tight hug that I am really fond of. The one thing I can't figure out is why do I have to remind myself that? When this single word comes to my head, there's a flash of every beautiful memory that I've experienced with you, and it brings such a rush, that I can't stop playing it every now and again, just like an addiction that has become a habit, already. I can't even watch a whole movie, without having love filling every little part of my brain. And...

Rain makes everything better

Mornin' I just woke up to the thought that I might need more time to do absolutely nothing on this Sunday, this grey, rainy Sunday.  So I keep on starring at the window from my bed and I imagine that I'm having my usual cup of coffee, actually watching myself turning the TV on, taking my cup, pour the honey, smelling that lovely roasted Lavazza espresso, which I'm addicted to. And now I keep on smiling, 'cause I'm still under the sheets, daydreaming; could use a man right now. I realize it's cold outside, so I adventure myself even deeper in this state that I'm in and I kind of like it... Try it! It sounds good. Have a happy grey day!


Rule no.1: Never force her to do anything. Rule no.2: If she can't sleep, read her a bedtime story. Rule no.3: If you get in a fight with her and she starts crying, just stop and hold her. Rule no.4: Call her beautiful, especially when she least expects it. Rule no.5: Don't let go first during a hug. Rule no.6: Accept her for who she is. Rule no.7: Call her beautiful instead of hot or sexy. Rule no.8: When she's fighting with someone, defend her even when you don't think she is right. Rule no.9: Sing to her, no matter how terrible your voice is. She'll like it. Rule no.10: Kiss her when she's sleeping. Rule no.11: Never lie to her, she'll find out. Rule no.12: Always make the first move. Rule no.13: Play with her hair when she's laying on your chest. Rule no.14: Never let her walk home alone. Rule no.15: Watch the sunset with her. Rule no.16: Comfort her when she's scared. Rule no.17: Give her your sweater when she is cold. Rule n...